My Story, Achievements
About Me
My background, values and goals
Hello and welcome to my RV Unique page.
I am a knifesmith (Puukkoseppä) from Finland. I love to create something with my hands and knife making has become true passion over the years to me. No one or nothing is perfect in this world, but I have a huge drive to create products that I try to make as perfect it can be. I always try to learn new ways and techniques to produce better products. Sometimes it's my "Achilles' heel". I need to let go the product and trust it is "good enough". Perfectionism is not always good in this journey :)
As a little boy, I always liked to create something and that has never gone away from me. My first graduation was an Electrician. I worked in that industry few years and later I specialized to build and repair phone and optical fiber networks. That lasted six years. Then my way leaded to big world wide company. I worked in technical support, sales and project management. After ten years, I was drifted too far away from "making with the hands". I was not in the happy place anymore, because inner me shouted something completely different. I decided to quit my job and started bladesmith apprentice 100 km where I live now.
I have a beautiful family. My wife, daughter, little son and dog are the most important thing in my life. Hopefully I can make them proud of what I do and bring food to the table with this craft. It's all I need and all I want.
As we speak, we are also building our own house. It's heavy job among all the other tasks, but a great journey as well. I believe that nothing good comes for free and hard work will be eventually rewarded.
Thank you for your time to read this and I wish you a great day.
- Riku
Man behind the hammer

Knifesmith (Puukkoseppä) 2020-2023. Graduated, February 2023.
Electrician 2023 -> Sähkö-Rauma Oy
Telecommunications Technician/Electrician 2022-2023 Rauman Juku Oy
Technical support, Sales, Project Engineer 2010-2020 Rolls-Royce Oy / Kongsberg Oy
Telecommunications Technician 2004-2009 Empower Oy
Graduated Electrician 2002
Achievements in Bladesmithing
2024 Finnish Knife Association, "user puukko" series. First place
2024 Finnish Knife Association, "Leuku" series. First place
2023 Knifesmith journeyman certificate.
2023 Puukkoseppä kisällinkirja
2023 Finnish Knife Association, "user puukko with the bolster" series. Official recognition of excellence.
2022 Suomen Puukkoseura, käyttöpuukko sarja. Kunniamaininta.
2022 Finnish Knife Association, "user puukko with the bolster" series, second place.
2022 Suomen Puukkoseura, Ratsumestarin käyttöpuukko toinen sija.
2022 Chef knife competition first place.
2022 Kokkiveitsi kisan voitto.
2022 Finnish traditional puukko making competition, second place.
2022 Perinnepuukko kisan toinen sija
2021 Hunting and Fishing magazine; puukko and hunting knife competition ; second place on puukko series.
2021 Metsästys ja Kalastuslehden puukko sarjan toinen sija.